A system budget cut
Gov. Tim Pawlenty released his supplemental budget Monday. His proposal contained a $10.5 million cut to the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. You may recall that the state could cut $46.6 million from higher education and still meet the federal “maintenance of efforts” requirement on receiving the federal stimulus funding. The governor took the rest of the higher education cut from the University of Minnesota at $36.1 million. The governor’s decision would align the current budgets of both higher education systems with their 2006 funding levels.
Bonding bill - no conference committee meetings, yet
Conferees of the capital investment bill have not met publicly this week. It is expected that a bonding bill will be out early this session. The conference committee members were named early this week and are as follows:
• Sen. Keith Langseth
• Sen. David Tomassoni
• Sen. Sandy Pappas
• Sen. Paul Koering
• Sen. Ann Lynch
• Rep. Alice Hausman
• Rep. Jean Wagenius
• Rep. Loren Solberg
• Rep. Bev Scalze
• Rep. Larry Howes
The House passed its version of the capital investment bill Monday after 4.5 hours of debate. The $1.09 billion legislation contained $343 million for the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, or $245 million when factoring out the user financing. It also provides the system with $60 million for repairs and replacement, known as HEAPR. The Senate capital investment bill was passed Feb. 9 and recommended $297 million for the system, or $211 million when subtracting the one-third user financing. The Senate bill also recommended $50 million of repair and replacement funds. A current spreadsheet comparing the House, Senate and governor’s recommendation can be found here.
State grant shortfall discussed
With high unemployment rates, more students have gone back to college. This has placed a higher demand on the financial aid system; the state grant program is now facing a $41.6 million shortfall. This means next year’s students will receive less money to help them attend college. Meredith Fergus of the Office of Higher Education told the House Higher Education Committee on Thursday that students will receive $150 to $1,000 less in their state grant award next fall. The Office of Higher Education chose to award students the full amount of state grants this academic year and reduce awards in the 2010-2011 academic year. Recall that the governor also had a projected cut of $2.3 million to the state grant program when he released his budget Monday. The committee took no action. The Senate Higher Education Committee heard a similar report on Tuesday.
Workforce report recommends system action
The House Bioscience and Workforce Development Committee on Wednesday heard the newly released report by the Office of the Legislative Auditor on workforce programs. The report stated that workforce program clients generally achieved better job and wage outcomes than similar people who filed for unemployment insurance but did not participate in workforce programs. Specific to the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, the report recommended that the system should “identify academic programs that help laid-off workers and assist its colleges to determine whether to offer more such programs.” Following the House hearing, the Senate also heard this report in the Business, Industry and Jobs Committee. A full copy of the report and summary can be found here.
Labor contracts moved
The House State and Local Government Committee took up the bill on labor agreements and contract ratifications, HF 2758, on Wednesday. Bill author Rep. Leon Lillie, DFL- North St. Paul, shared that the bill ratifies all of the labor contracts and plans that were worked on since the 2009 session, including the Minnesota State College Faculty (MSCF), the Minnesota State University Association of Administrative and Service Faculty (MSUAAF), the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (ASCFME), the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE), the Middle Management Association, the MnSCU Administrators, the Commissioner’s Plan and the Managerial Plan. The committee passed the bill and referred it to the House Finance Committee.
Senate passed primary election change
On Monday, the Senate also approved a measure to move up Minnesota’s election primary by one month to comply with federal standards. The former primary date was Sept. 14. The new legislation would push this up to Aug. 10. The House has not yet taken action on this bill.
Here's What's Happening at the Capitol:
This schedule shows all meetings that we are aware of at the time of publication that may have an impact on the system. This schedule may change. Please watch the House and Senate schedules posted on the Legislature’s Web site.
Monday, February 22
11 a.m.
The Senate meets in session.
1 p.m.
The House meets in session.
Tuesday, February 23
8:30 AM
House K-12 Education Policy and Oversight
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Agenda: Teaching proposals in Minnesota's Race to the Top application:
Recommended state teacher evaluation rubric
Enhanced QComp
Ensuring equitable distribution of effective teachers
10:30 AM
House Bioscience and Workforce Development Policy and Oversight Division
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tim Mahoney
Agenda: Continued discussion of the Office of the Legislative Auditor
report: Workforce Programs
12:30 PM
Senate Education Budget and Policy Division
Chair: Sen. Sandra L. Pappas
Room 123 Capitol
Bush Foundation Proposal-Peter Hutchinson
OHE: Preliminary Minnesota Postsecondary Enrollment Census for Fall 2009
Minnesota's 2008 High School Graduates Enrolled in College at Record Rates-Mark Misukanis & Alexandra Djurovich , OHE
1:00 PM
House Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: Overview of Governor's budget - Workforce/Economic Development
Dept of Labor and Industry -Commissioner Steve Sviggum
Dept of Employment and Economic Development - Commissioner McElroy
2:45 PM
House K-12 Education Finance Division
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: Shared services report
HF2840 (Swails) Collaborative governance council established. - Information only
Wednesday, February 24
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division - Subcommittee on Arts Education
Chair: Sen. Dan Skogen
Room 112 Capitol
Update on art and education to the E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
10:30 AM
House Bioscience and Workforce Development Policy and Oversight Division
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tim Mahoney
Agenda: TBA
Thursday, February 25
12:30 PM
Senate Education Budget and Policy Division
Chair: Sen. Sandra L. Pappas
Room 123 Capitol
Agenda: OLA report on the Office of the Chancellor
1:00 PM
House Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: Legislative Auditor
1) Workforce Programs report
2) Unemployment Insurance Information Technology Audit
4:30 PM
House Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: Legislative Auditor
MnSCU Central Office report
Friday, February 26
10 AM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Chair: Sen. Don Betzold/Rep. Mary Murphy
Room 107 Capitol
Agenda: To be announced.
Friday, March 5, 2010
10:00 AM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Room: 107 State Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Mary Murphy, Sen. Don Betzold
Agenda: TBA
Friday, February 19, 2010
System budget cut, Bonding conference committee update, State grant shortfall, Workforce report out, Primary date
Posted by
3:20 PM
Friday, February 12, 2010
Bonding bill advances, Office of the Chancellor report out, Governor's State-of-the-State, Input sought
Legislative Update
February 12, 2010
Bonding bill on track for conference committee next week
A great deal of bonding activity occurred this week in both the House and Senate. The Senate took up the omnibus bonding bill on the floor earlier in the week, and after about four hours of debate, passed the bill by a 52-14 vote. The bill, SF 2360, was laid on the table until the House passes its version of the bonding bill. Sen. Geoff Michel, R-Edina, said the bill spends money the state does not have. However, proponents of the legislation spoke about the importance of getting the bill done soon in order to put people to work and take advantage of low interest rates. Chair of the Senate Capital Investment committee, Sen. Keith Langseth, DFL-Glyndon, said now is the time to bond and build.
The House is scheduled to take up the bill on the floor Monday since it has cleared the appropriate committees this week. The bill started in the Capital Investment committee Tuesday. Committee members passed the bill on a split voice vote after amending it. The bill headed next to the Finance committee, where it also passed on a split voice vote. The last stop was the Ways and Means committee Thursday afternoon, where it passed and was sent to the floor. The bill was amended along the way; however, the projects for the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system in both bills remain the same.
In a letter to Capital Investment chairs Rep. Alice Hausman, DFL-St. Paul, and Sen. Langseth, Gov. Tim Pawlenty called the bills "unaffordable, irresponsible and filled with local projects," and threatened to veto the entire bill, rather than line-item veto projects he does not support. The governor’s bonding recommendation is approximately $300 million under the Senate and House bills.
An updated 2010 Capital Investment spreadsheet comparing the bills and the governor’s recommendation can be found here. The numbers on the spreadsheet do not include user financing, but rather illustrate the state share for each project.
Auditors office releases report on the Office of the Chancellor
The Office of the Legislative Auditor released its report on the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system office early this week, and the evaluation concluded that it is reasonable for the system to have a sizable system office to perform various governance, oversight and support functions. However, it was recommended that system leaders consider changes in organization, staffing and oversight for certain system office activities. The report may be viewed here.
Governor addresses state’s budget situation
Gov. Pawlenty delivered his final State of the State address this week, where he offered advice to legislators running for governor, including, “Don’t kiss an eelpout on the lips, even if the locals say it’s for good luck.” He urged the Legislature to pass his jobs creation bill, which has six parts: a 20 percent reduction in the corporate tax rate; a 20 percent exclusion from taxation for small businesses; an angel investment tax credit; a supercharged research and development tax credit; a capital gains exclusion for qualified investments; and incentives for companies to invest in Minnesota small businesses. Pawlenty also proposed a constitutional amendment that would require future spending to not exceed current revenues in an effort to reduce government spending.
Related to education, he said that the most important school-related factor in determining how a student will perform is the quality and preparedness of the teachers. He asked teacher unions to pass the Teaching Transformation Act, which he said will dramatically improve teacher quality, training and accountability for results.
The governor also said he will release his budget recommendations Monday to resolve the $1.2 billion budget deficit for the current biennium. He said they will include painful spending reductions, but he said he will protect programs for the military, veterans, core public safety functions and K-12 classrooms. The House Ways and Means and Finance committees are scheduled to hear the governor’s supplemental budget Monday evening.
So what will the governor’s budget recommendation mean to the system? The governor has already unallotted $50 million from the system’s fiscal year 2011 state appropriation. Because the state is receiving stabilization funds through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or ARRA, a maintenance of effort must be maintained to retain the federal funds. That means the state must maintain the fiscal year 2006 level of funding to higher education, which includes the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and the University of Minnesota. For higher education, an additional reduction of up to $46.6 million could occur to help solve the $1.2 billion deficit. Therefore, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities could see another $10.5 million to $23 million or even more cut from the budget. The governor’s supplemental budget recommendation is the first step in this process.
Government input being sought
A bipartisan House caucus has created a citizen comment line and Web site to seek ideas on how government can deliver services more efficiently given the $1.2 billion budget deficit the state is facing this biennium and the $5.4 billion deficit projected for the next biennium. Once ideas are submitted, the most promising will be rolled into a “Citizen Redesign Bill.” Those whose ideas are selected will have the opportunity to testify before committee. Chairman of the Property and Local Sales Tax Division Rep. Paul Marquart, DFL-Dilworth, said, “To maintain Minnesota's greatness into the future we need to do things differently. We need to look at every spending area of the budget and come up with reform and redesign ideas that will improve the quality of services or increase results while lowering costs for residents. This will take bold and innovative ideas.”
The redesign caucus is set to meet throughout the session. The first hearing is scheduled for Feb. 16. The Web site can be accessed here.
Sen. Franken to hold open house in St. Paul
From the Office of Sen. Al Franken:
Please join Sen. Al Franken, his wife Franni and his staff for an open house in his new St. Paul office. The office is located on St. Paul's West Side in the Drake Building.
The open house will be a chance for the public to see the new office, meet his Minnesota staff, and learn about the various services that the office provides to Minnesotans. Hope to see you there!
WHAT: Open House in the Office of Senator Al Franken
WHEN: Wednesday, February 17th, 2010 - 3:00pm - 7:00pm
WHERE: 60 Plato Blvd. East, Suite 220, St. Paul, MN 55107
WHO: All are welcome
CONTACT: (651) 221-1016 or MNIntern1_franken@franken.senate.gov
Here's What's Happening at the Capitol:
This schedule shows all meetings that we are aware of at the time of publication that may have an impact on the system. This schedule may change. Please watch the House and Senate schedules posted on the Legislative web site.
Monday, February 15
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
1:00 PM
House in Session
Bonding bill
6:30 PM *Note time change*
House Ways & Means and Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Loren Solberg and Rep Lyndon Carlson
Agenda: Governor’s supplemental budget
Tuesday, February 16
8:30 AM
House K-12 Education Policy and Oversight
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Agenda: Lessons learned on high school assessment and accountability
Dirk Mattson, Director, Assessments and Testing, Minnesota Department of Education
Kent Pekel, Director, College Readiness Consortium, University of Minnesota
10:30 AM
House Bioscience and Workforce Development Policy and Oversight Division
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tim Mahoney
Agenda: Presentation by the Minnesota Science and Technology Economic
Development Project Committee
Presentation of DEED Uniform Program Accountability Measures
12:30 PM
Senate Higher Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Sandra L. Pappas
Office of Higher Education:
1. State grant short fall and solution
2. Achieve shortfall and solution
3. Preliminary Minnesota Postsecondary Enrollment Census for Fall 2009
4. Minnesota's 2008 High School Graduates Enrolled in College at Record Rates
Governor's Budget
1:00 PM
House Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: Economic Development and Job Creation
1. Natural Resources Research Institute - Michael Lalich, director
Green energy development and other innovative natural resources strategies
2. Status and needs of the Minnesota manufacturing sector
Central Minnesota Maufacturers Association - Les Engel, president
7:00 PM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen Betzold
Agenda: One-person/small group legislation:
SF1374/HF1569 - PERA-P&F; Joint and survivor annuity for the divorced spouse of a deceased retiree who elected a single life annuity.
SFXX/HF2550 - MSRS/MnSCU/TRA; Permitting the repayment of certain member contribution refunds; authorizing a second chance option to elect TRA retirement plan benefit coverage; mandating certain contributions.
SFXX/HFXX - PERA; Authorizing a late disability benefit application in certain cases.
SFXX/HFXX - SPTRFA; Service credit purchase for uncredited prior teaching service
SFXX/HFXX - PERA-P&F; Revise Social Security leveling option to single-life annuity.
SFXX/HFXX - PERA; Purchase of prior service credit for a period of omitted member deductions for certain Inver Grove Heights public school employees.
SFXX/HFXX - TRA; Alternative retirement annuity computation for former Red Lake Senior High School principal.
Wednesday, February 17
8:30 AM
House K-12 Education Policy and Oversight
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Agenda: HF664 (Welti) Mental health model curriculum created.
HF2705 (Peterson) High school student transition plan implemented for successful pursuit of postsecondary education and employment, and money appropriated.
HF2814 (Swails) Pupil transportation provisions modified, certain lift buses included in category of revenue authorized reimbursement, and contracted transportation costs included as a method for allocating pupil transportation costs.
10:30 AM
House Bioscience and Workforce Development
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tim Mahoney
Agenda: Office of the Legislative Auditor report: Workforce Programs
12:30 PM
Senate Business, Industry and Jobs
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. James P. Metzen
Agenda: Unemployment Trust Fund Update
Legislative Auditor's Report: Workforce Programs
Thursday, February 18
10:30 AM
House in Session
1:00 PM
House Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: Fiscal condition of state financial aid programs
David Metzen, Director of the Office of Higher Education
Thursday, February 25
12:30 PM
Senate Higher Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Sandy Pappas
Agenda: OLA evaluation report, MnSCU System Office
Posted by
3:52 PM
Friday, February 5, 2010
Session begins, bonding fast tracked, President Obama's budget released
Legislative Update
February 5, 2010
2010 legislative session gets underway with budget deficit looming
The 2010 legislative session convened Thursday. On the House floor, Majority Leader Tony Sertich, DFL-Chisholm, congratulated new House Minority Leader Kurt Zellers, R-Maple Grove, who replaced gubernatorial candidate Rep. Marty Seifert, R-Marshall, in this position. In the Senate, Sen. Mike Parry, R-Waseca, was sworn in; he replaced Sen. Dick Day in the recent special election.
The second year of the biennium is considered a bonding year to take care of the states assets, and lawmakers have been moving quickly on a bill. However, the state is facing a $1.2 billion budget deficit for the current biennium, so legislators also will be charged with balancing the budget. Legislative leaders have not publicly discussed a solution to the budget deficit, but have said they will wait until the release of the state’s February economic forecast for further action. The release of the February forecast is scheduled for March 2.
House Majority Leader Rep. Tony Sertich, DFL-Chisholm, said the Legislature will be working as quickly and efficiently as possible with the major agenda items being jobs and the economy. House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher, DFL-Minneapolis, said the Legislature will move quickly to pass three bills aimed at stimulating job growth: a bonding bill focused on construction jobs, a package of tax incentives for businesses and an economic development reform bill.
Legislators must complete their work this session by Monday, May 17, which gives lawmakers approximately four months to solve the budget deficit.
Bonding bill on fast track
The capital investment bill, or bonding bill as it’s referred to, has been moving quickly through the legislative process with the intention of supporters to get to the governor’s desk mid-February. Traditionally, the bonding bill is not completed until the end of session; however, Rep. Alice Hasuman, DFL-St. Paul, chair of the House Capital Investment committee, has said that this bill should stand alone and not be used as leverage or be delayed until the end of session. She said there is sound reason to keep it separate and move it quickly, because interest rates are low and bids are coming in low. “If we move quickly, the tax payer dollar will go further,” Hausman said.
Most of the work on the bonding bill was done during the interim. Lawmakers traveled the state viewing projects and learning about the capital investment needs. Between the House, Senate and Minnesota Management and Budget, colleges and universities in the system hosted over 50 visits. The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities presented the system’s bonding request to the House and Senate higher education committees in January. The first day of the 2010 session included an unveiling of both the House and Senate bonding bills. The Senate Capital Investment committee met Thursday and moved the proposed bonding bill forward to the Senate Finance committee, which approved the bill today.
The next stop for the bonding bill in the Senate is the floor, where the full Senate will debate the merits of the bill.
The House is expected to take up its version of the bill Feb. 9 in the Capital Investment committee, amend it, pass it and refer it to the House Finance committee the following day. Once the Ways and Means committee hears the bill, Chair Hausman has said the bill should be ready for floor debate Feb. 15. Legislative leaders have indicated a desire for a quick conference committee.
So what does this mean for the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities? Of the system’s $396 million request, the House bill includes $338 million and the Senate bill includes $297 million. The governor has recommended $114 million for the system. Of the $110 million HEAPR request, both the governor and Senate have included $50 million and the House bill includes $60 million.
The bills and spreadsheets for both the Senate and House can be found at the links below. Also attached is a comparison of each bill.
Senate bonding bill spreadsheet
SF 2360
House bonding bill spreadsheet
HF 2700
Once the Legislature passes the conference committee version of the bill, it will head to the governor’s desk. Gov. Tim Pawlenty has recommended a smaller bonding bill at $685 million, and has threatened to veto the entire bill should it not be at a funding level he supports.
Precinct caucuses met this week
The state held precinct caucuses earlier this week. Below are theresults from the gubernatorial straw poll taken from the Minnesota Secretary of State's Web site:
Independence Party - Statewide Results
Rob Hahn 8.02%
Tom Horner 48.09%
Joe Repya 28.24%
Write-in 3.82%
No preference 11.83%
*The Independence Party is holding an online caucus. Results will be incomplete until after February 28, 2010.
Republican Party - Statewide Results
Bob Carney Jr. 0.16%
Leslie David 0.60%
Tom Emmer 39.26%
Bill Haas 1.63%
David Hann 5.16%
Phil Herwig 1.07%
Mary Seifert 50.23%
Write-in 1.89%
Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party - Statewide Results
Tom Bakk 6.34%
Matt Entenza 6.79%
Susan Gaertner 2.06%
Steve Kelley 4.14%
Margaret Anderson Kelliher 20.06%
John Marty 9.57%
Felix Montez 0.08%
Ton Rukavina 7.23%
R.T. Rybak 21.69%
Ole Savior 0.09%
Paul Thissen 7.19%
Uncommitted 14.75%
Important dates for the 2010 Session
December 2, 2009 November Economic Forecast Released
January 12, 2010 System presents 2010 bonding request to Senate Higher Education Committee
January 26, 2010 System presents 2010 bonding request to House Higher Education Committee
January 15, 2010 Governor’s Capital Budget Recommendations
February 4, 2010 2010 Legislative Session Convenes
February 11, 2010 Governor’s State of the State Address
March 2, 2010 February Economic Forecast Released
May 17, 2010 2010 Legislative Session Adjourns
President Obama releases FY 2011 budget
In President Obama’s State of the Union address last week, the president said education is the foundation for opportunity. He called for making education more affordable for middle class families through an extension of the American Opportunity Tax Credit. On Monday this week, the president followed his address with a $3.8 trillion budget proposal for fiscal year 2011, which includes a 6 percent increase in federal education spending. The increases were proposed despite a net spending freeze on discretionary domestic spending.
The president's budget also includes raising the maximum Pell Grant to $5,710, from the current $5,550, and he renewed a proposal made a year ago to make the Pell Grant program funded entirely through mandatory funding (like Social Security and Medicare) rather than discretionary.
He also recommended that the maximum Pell Grant award automatically increase each year over the next decade by the rate of inflation plus 1 percentage point.
The president’s budget also includes his original proposal to issue all student loans through the Direct Loan Program. This proposal projects a savings to be used to fund new programs. The budget also includes the creation of two programs aimed at graduating more students by 2020. The College Access and Completion Initiative would provide $700 million a year to various entities in order to support and create programs designed to help students graduate from postsecondary institutions. The other program, the American Graduation Initiative, provides more than $10 billion to higher education institutions that offer two-year programs in order to achieve a goal of an additional 5 million graduates.
The president also is proposing reforming elementary and secondary education programs, including restructuring teacher education programs. The budget includes the reduction of funds for the teacher preparation programs contained in Title II of the Higher Education Act and consolidates the funds and restructures the programs into the new teacher effectiveness accounts under the elementary and secondary
education budget.
You can review the education summary of the President’s budget here.
You can review the education budget fact sheet here.
Stay informed
The government relations team in the Office of the Chancellor, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, is here to assist you. Please feel free to contact any of the team members with questions or concerns. You also may find information for both state and federal legislative issues at the Government Relations Web site here.
New this session is the government relations Facebook page and Twitter page at the below links:
Here's What's Happening at the Capitol:
This schedule shows all meetings that we are aware of at the time of publication that may have an impact on the system. This schedule may change. Please watch the House and Senate schedules posted on the Legislature Web site.
Monday, February 8
9:00 AM
House Joint Committee: Ways & Means and Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Loren Solberg
Agenda: State cash flow projections
12:45 PM
Senate State Government Budget Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Don Betzold
Department of Management and Budget report on Children’s Resources, update on the SWIFT (the new accounting and procurement system) and the biennial budget system project and searchable data base legislation from 2009.
12:30 PM
Senate Business, Industry and Jobs
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. James P. Metzen
Agenda: Jobs Bill-Metzen
1:00 PM
House in Session
Tuesday, February 9
8:30 AM
House K-12 Education Policy and Oversight
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Agenda: Committee member 2010 K-12 policy priorities
Testimony from education groups on 2010 K-12 policy recommendations.
Those interested in testifying should contact Christina Gosack, Committee Administrator, at 651-296-5524.
10:00 AM
Legislative Audit Commission
Room: 107 State Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Michael Beard, Sen. Ann Rest
Agenda: OLA Report: MnSCU Central Office-Joel Alter
10:30 AM
House Joint Committee: Bioscience and Workforce Development Policy and
Oversight Division
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chairs: Rep. Ann Lenczewski, Rep. Tim Mahoney
Agenda: HFXXX (Davnie) Angel Investor Credit
HF1136 (Lenczewski) Governor's Angel Investor credit portion only.
HF1194 (Downey) Angel Investor credit portion only
HF2580 (Lenczewski) Angel investment grant provided, phase-in of single sales apportionment delayed, and money appropriated
12:30 PM
Senate Higher Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Sandy Pappas
Agenda: OLA evaluation report, MnSCU System Office.
OHE: College-going Rates of Minnesota High School Students and Fall 2009 Enrollment-Mark Misukanis and Alexandra Djurovich
1:00 PM
House Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: Unemployment Insurance - recipient problems
DEED response; UI figures and procedures - Commissioner Dan McElroy
2:45 PM
House Capital Investment
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Alice Hausman
HFXXXX - Omnibus Bonding Bill (Hausman) (The bill will be introduced, assigned a file number and available on Thursday, Feb. 4. Amendments are needed by 2:45 pm on Monday, Feb. 8).
HF2590 (Hausman) Appropriation and bond authorization for capital investment projects procedures clarified
2:45 PM
House K-12 Finance Division
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: Office of Legislative Auditor evaluation report on Alternative Learning Programs
3:00 PM
Senate Agriculture and Veterans
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Jim Vickerman
Minnesota Department of Military Affairs Brief; Major General Larry Shellito, Colonel Eric Ahlness. Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs Reports; Higher Education Veterans Program, 2010 Construction Project Priority Listing, Minnesota Veterans Home Siting, Veterans Cemetery Siting and Medicare Funding at Minnesota Veterans Homes.
Wednesday, February 10
6:30 PM
House Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
Agenda: HF2700 (Hausman) Omnibus capital investment bill.
HF2680 (E. Murphy) Mental health urgent care and consultation services established, general assistance medical care program modified, and money appropriated.
Thursday, February 11
8:30 AM
House K-12 Education Policy and Oversight
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Agenda: SciMathMN briefing: Lessons from Minnesota Trends in International Math and Science Study (TIMSS) Science results - Dr. Bill Schmidt, Michigan State University
Closing the achievement gap in math and science education - Dr. Natalie Rasmussen, teacher, Minneapolis North Community High School
HF2360 (Davnie) Minneapolis; Special School District No. 1; Two member appointment provided on the Minneapolis reapportionment commission, and standards established.
8:30 AM
House State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Gene Pelowski
Agenda: Overview on the financial status of the retirement systems of Minnesota: Public Employees Retirement Association, Minnesota State Retirement System, Teachers Retirement Association.
10:30 AM
House in Session
11:00 AM
Governor’s State of the State
1:00 PM
House Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: Fiscal condition of state financial aid programs
David Metzen, Director of the Office of Higher Education
Friday, February 12
10:30 AM
House in Session
Monday, February 15
10:30 AM
House Ways & Means and Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Loren Solberg and Rep Lyndon Carlson
Agenda: Governor’s supplemental budget
1:00 PM
House in Session
Tuesday, February 16
7:00 PM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen Betzold
Agenda: One-person/small group legislation:
SF1374/HF1569 - PERA-P&F; Joint and survivor annuity for the divorced spouse of a deceased retiree who elected a single life annuity.
SFXX/HF2550 - MSRS/MnSCU/TRA; Permitting the repayment of certain member contribution refunds; authorizing a second chance option to elect TRA retirement plan benefit coverage; mandating certain contributions.
SFXX/HFXX - PERA; Authorizing a late disability benefit application in certain cases.
SFXX/HFXX - SPTRFA; Service credit purchase for uncredited prior teaching service
SFXX/HFXX - PERA-P&F; Revise Social Security leveling option to single-life annuity.
SFXX/HFXX - PERA; Purchase of prior service credit for a period of omitted member deductions for certain Inver Grove Heights public school employees.
SFXX/HFXX - TRA; Alternative retirement annuity computation for former Red Lake Senior High School principal.
Wednesday, February 17
10:30 AM
House Bioscience and Workforce Development
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tim Mahoney
Agenda: Office of the Legislative Auditor report: Workforce Programs
Posted by
3:02 PM